Roasted Cauliflower

CauliflowerThis recipe is more of a guideline. For example, if you follow a low-sodium diet, it’s perfectly acceptable to omit the salt (and, conversely, if you’re a salt-lover, to add a little more). The key is to roast the cauliflower until it becomes caramelized — don’t be alarmed if some of the florets get slightly blackened, as this just adds to its addictive flavor.

Makes 4 side-dish servings

1 medium to large head cauliflower, washed

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Trim any leaves and cut the cauliflower into quarter-inch slices. Toss with the olive oil and salt, spread in a single layer in a baking dish and roast until it begins to brown a bit and the oil is sizzling.

Turn the pieces once or twice and give the pan a good shake while it’s roasting, about 25 minutes.

Cauliflower: A Love Story, April 9, 2008.

Desfiado de Carne de Jaca – TESTAR!!

Receita não testada ainda. Achei a receita interessante e diferente.

1 jaca verde pequena
1 colher (sopa) salsa
1 colher (sopa) cebolinha
2 cebola pequena
5 colheres (sopa) de extrato de tomate
100ml de água
1 colher (chá) de realçador de sabor (vou substituir com shoyu)
2 colheres (sopa) de óleo vegetal

Modode Preparo:
Lavar a jaca; cortar em rodelas de 1 cm aproximadamente; cozinhar em panela de pressão; escorrer; desfiar; reservar.
Colocar numa panela o óleo vegetal, o alho, a cebola; a crescentar o tomate, o extrato de tomate e a água; deixar ferver; adicionar o sal e o realçador de sabor; cortar a salsa e a cebolinha para decorar.